This is Jonnathan Ludovic. He was born in 1972 at Mkongo village, not far from Kadzinuni. He joined class one at Kadzinuni Primary in 1980 and in 1987 sat for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education.
However, he had to drop out of school in 1989 and again in 1991 due to lack of fees and poor health. Eventually, Jonnathan worked his way to a successful pass in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in 1993.
Jonnathan took on menial jobs to fund a two year course in Software Applications at college in Kilifi. It was during this time, when he learned there was a Library at the village, that he met Mary Canada the APC volunteer. In September 2009 they reached an agreement to keep the Library open for other users in the community.
This is the ongoing story of that Library - Trevor's Library.