The Nurse's House
The Nurse's House
On completion of the clinic and nurses living accommodation it is local custom
for the government to provide a fully qualified nurse to run the clinic.
The nurse will deal with minor and routine treatments for young and old alike,
cleaning & dressing wounds, dispensing routine medicines, offering advice
on nutrition, hygiene, family planning, HIV/AIDS and STDs.
Once a week a local doctor will call to support the nurse with advice and
practical help as required.
The nurse will also dispense minor medication for a small fee to those who can
afford it. The proceeds will be used to replenish and where possible increase
stocks. The nurse will have a mobile phone with which she can summon emergency
help for serious incidents, and she will live in rooms attached to the clinic
so she is on hand at all times.
Having a resident nurse in the village will be of great benefit to the
wellbeing of the community.