Water Supply
Fresh water and sewerage
“Water is a fundamental priority for people in Africa”, says Elaine Seller. “We
take something a simple as fresh water for granted here in the UK, but out
there people walk long distances to collect a few pints in an old plastic
vegetable oil container. The water tower will be fantastic for Kadzinuni,
serving both the clinic and village in general. It will save lives”.
Though we use it constantly, we think very little about water and its place in
our lives. Here are some water facts to think about...
More than half of Africa's villages lack access to a clean water supply. In
many of these villages, women must walk up to ten miles every day to retrieve
the day's supply of potable water for their households.
Of all the renewable water available in Africa each year, only 4% is used -
because most villages lack the wells, canals, pumps, reservoirs and other
necessary infrastructure.
In developing countries, one person uses an average of ten litres of water per
day. In the United States, one person uses an average of 350 litres in the same
time period.
Each flush of the toilet uses the same amount of water that one person in the
Third World uses all day for washing, cleaning, cooking and drinking.
Over 80% of the disease in developing countries is related to poor drinking
water and sanitation.
Click on any of these images for a larger view...
Water Tower Plan
Water Tower Foundations
Soak Pit excavation
Ground level footings
Water tank to feed the tower
Water Tower and Library completed